
  1. What is Grace Light?
  2. What is the Grace Light phenomenon that is spreading around the globe?
  3. What is the significance of the Full Moon in July?
  4. Why is Grace Light being activated now?
  5. Why do we need Grace Light?
  6. What is the Grace Light empowerment?
  7. What happens during Grace Light empowerment?
  8. What are the benefits of Grace Light empowerment?
  9. How is the Grace Light empowerment transferred?
  10. What might I experience?
  11. What do I need to do while receiving a Grace Light empowerment?
  12. Can anyone receive the benefits of the Grace Light empowerment?
  13. Why has Dr. Pillai chosen to hold Grace Light events in multi-faith venues?
  14. Does the Grace Light empowerment require any particular religion or belief?
  15. How does Grace Light integrate with various religious teachings?
  16. How can I experience the Grace Light empowerment for myself?
  17. What can I expect at the Grace Light Induction Evening?
  18. What can I expect from the full-day Intensive?
  19. What is the 9-Gates Process?
  20. Are there any practical tips or guidelines for these sessions?
  21. Why is there a charge for the events?
  22. How can I prepare?
  23. How can I hold a Grace Light Gathering?
  24. Why is each Full Moon a powerful time for Grace Light re-empowerment?
  25. What if I am unable to attend an event or hold a Grace Light gathering?
  26. If the Grace Light is coming anyway, why is it important to receive an empowerment?
  27. Who can offer the Grace Light empowerment to others?
  28. Can I charge for giving Grace Light empowerment?
  29. How is Grace Light different from giving Reiki, deeksha or other energy techniques?
  30. How is this phenomenon related to predictions about 2012?
  31. Why I haven't heard about Grace Light before?
  32. Aren't you asking people to believe all of this on faith?
  33. Who is Dr. Baskaran Pillai?
  34. What are the primary tenets of the Tamil Siddha lineage?
  35. Where can I find out more?


  1. What is Grace Light?

    Grace Light is the incredibly radiant light of the Divine within us -- compassionate, intelligent and almighty. Grace light is not the light of the sun or any physical light. It is an explosive inner light, more brilliant and powerful than the sun, described by the saints, prophets and enlightened masters of all faiths throughout the ages. It has the incredible power to know and do everything. As Grace Light empowers us, our hearts and minds will be ignited with divine inner radiance and intelligence.

    "I tell people that the highest intelligence is God.
    I want to give you some tools to access a personal connection with God. Your connection may not be the same as your neighbor's, so you must pick the right tools that suit you. To do that, you must do some self-assessment.
    Let us recognize that there are various types of individuals. Those who are intellectually oriented follow the path of the intellect. The path of the intellect is not only discursive reasoning. It is beyond that. The path of the intellect may start with inquiry, but it eventually leads to enlightenment. This is called the Path of Knowledge.
    According to this path, God is Intelligence. So you begin to understand the structure of Intelligence. You begin to question, 'Who is the perceiver?' 'How do I perceive things around me?'
    'Am I perceiving through the linguistic tools?' 'What are my prejudices?' 'What is the phenomenon of sound?' 'What is the phenomenon of light?' 'How do I know?'
    In this path you follow mostly a monastic life and practice intellectual reasoning and meditative exercises.
    However, I recommend a more lively and enjoyable approach. It is the approach of (devotion). If you devote yourself totally to a God, you achieve things much faster than through the path of knowledge. The devotion should be unconditional. It should be total surrender. Once you do that, you are in the field of grace. It is the easiest way.
    You can enter into a very personal relationship with a God of your choice.
    You can worship God from any tradition. Make sure you can get into the emotions. Once you access grace, your whole self is filled with great intelligence. That intelligence is responsible for creating your life.
    Accessing Divine Love, Divine Grace. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a global shift in human consciousness. A doorway is opening for each and every person to absorb profound divine energies and to be conduits for the greater awakening of the heart of humanity."

    - Dr. Baskaran Pillai

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  2. What is the Grace Light phenomenon that is spreading around the globe?

    Our planet, and all of humanity, is currently undergoing a major evolutionary transformation. This is impacting our environment, our social structures, and our individual and collective consciousness. The great masters of many traditions are here to help awaken the heart of humanity. The Tamil Siddha lineage of Southern India has been divinely guided to recognize July's Full Moon as the beginning of a major shift in human consciousness. During this time, "Grace Light" (divine energy) will enter the heart of humanity on a global scale, bringing new levels of compassion, joy, peace, and divine intelligence into the world.

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  3. What is the significance of the Full Moon in July?

    The "Full Moon of the Guru" or Guru Purnima, an ancient tradition on the eastern calendar. It is the full moon in July that falls near the vedic solstice, the month of greatest light. It is a radiant time when all the celestial teachers, light beings, ascended masters, angels and illumined ones open channels into the earth plane and act as conduits to deliver increased levels of energy and light into the world. It represents spiritual renewal of the planet. The moon is associated with consciousness, particularly with the right brain. Each phase of the moon carries its own special energy. The full moon represents enlightenment, which is the full flowering of consciousness. This initiatory window of the full moon, will open a new period of human evolution in which more light will be available for rapid human awakening. This awakening will deepen over the coming months and years. The word 'Guru' means remover of darkness (In Sanskrit, "Gu" means darkness, "Ru" means remover). Thus, Guru Purnima is the day of eradicating ignorance and illuminating our lives with knowledge. On this Full Moon of the Guru can inspire us to overcome our limitations, even lethargy and conjure a life of wonderful possibilities. Those who are following the spiritual activity will get peace of mind, wisdom to handle life, blessings of the benevolents: Spiritual pursuits will bring the fulfillment of desires and profits. Your relationships both intimate and otherwise will take on an entirely new dimension infused with divine love and ease. 

    This initiatory window of the full moon, will open a new period of human evolution in which more light will be available for rapid human awakening. This awakening will deepen over the coming months and years.

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  4. Why is Grace Light being activated now?

    The vedic calendar believes in a cyclical procession of time. One cycle consists of 60 years, after which the cycle is repeated again. The year, called Sarvadari (April 14th, 2008 through April 13th, 2009 on the vedic calendar), was the year of light, or enlightenment. The luminary planets, the sun and the moon, affect human beings in a significant way during this year. In yogic symbolism, the sun and the moon represent the left and right brain, as well as the right eye and left eye, respectively. The right eye corresponds to the left brain, and vice versa. Human perception is largely mediated through the eyes. During the year of Sarvadari, our perception of light will significantly change, resulting in a heightened perception of reality. We will still use the same eyes, but we will see and understand more profoundly than ever before. The sun and moon are also symbols for the emergence and disappearance of a thought within the mind. This implies that we will have a significant shift in the way that we normally think. Negative, fearful, and doubtful thoughts will be replaced by positive, joyful and intelligent ones. 

    Programs 2012

    Pillai Center for MindScience offers you 2 different programs for 2012 and the golden age:

    Light Body Program (LBP)

    Super Inteligence Program (SIP)

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  5. Why do we need Grace Light?

    Humanity has been living in darkness with a limited consciousness that creates conflict, struggle, poverty and suffering. Grace Light empowerment will expand our capacity to hold more light and dissolve these negative realities on a global scale. This potential exists because of the prevailing energies of this time. It is a cosmological phenomenon, not simply a socio-political ideal.

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  6. What is the Grace Light empowerment?

    Grace Light empowerment is a profound experience that involves opening energetic channels within the body and infusing the body with light. This process diffuses old sorrows and conflicts, and ignites the heart with new levels of compassion, joy and divine intelligence. Once the Grace Light process is initiated, you become a conduit of the light capable of emanating peace and joy into the world.

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  7. What happens during Grace Light empowerment?

    The Grace Light empowerment enables the clearing of the various energy centers in the body (9-gates) and initiates a neurobiological change in the brain to awaken divine intelligence. The human mind becomes the divine mind, and the human heart becomes the sacred heart. As this process unfolds, you will experience spontaneous feelings of joy, creativity and connection with everything.

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  8. What are the benefits of Grace Light empowerment?

    Once received, Grace Light will do its work in miraculous ways, providing deep physical, emotional and spiritual healing. On the physical level, there will be significant healing of diseases and enhancement of energy levels. The mind will receive greater intelligence as dormant parts of the brain awaken. Old behaviors, emotions and limiting beliefs will start to dissolve, giving you access to deeper inner wisdom. At a soul level, Grace light will activate the perception of your interconnectedness and unity with the whole, transforming your human life into a divine life. As many individuals start to experience these miraculous changes, humanity will evolve to a new level of awakened existence.

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  9. How is the Grace Light empowerment transferred?

    The receiving and transmitting of Grace Light is done through the medium of the human body. In order to prepare for the empowerment, you will be led through a profound meditation, in which Dr. Pillai reveals passwords to open up the 9-gates within the energy body. Once this process is completed and channels are open, you will learn how to receive Grace Light and how to transmit it to another. The Grace Light empowerment process involves pairing with a partner who places his or her hands near your energy field and onto the crown of your head, usually for 3-4 minutes. By the end of this process you will be completely empowered to carry the Grace Light to family, friends and others in your life.

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  10. What might I experience?

    Experiences during the Grace Light empowerment vary -- you may experience a tingling sensation in the head, or blissful energy flowing through the body, or perhaps nothing at all. The intensity of these sensations may sometimes be strong, sometimes subtle, sometimes delayed until even days later. Whatever the experience, you can trust that Grace Light has initiated an internal process that will lead gradually (or perhaps spontaneously) to your own awakening and to the awakening of humanity as a whole.

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  11. What do I need to do while receiving a Grace Light empowerment?

    You don't need to do anything except open into a state of receptivity and faith. Remember, it is not your doing. The Grace Light will do all the work.

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  12. Can anyone receive the benefits of the Grace Light empowerment?

    Yes, everyone can benefit from Grace Light, and then pass it on to others. You may worry that you are impure or ineligible for this experience, but no one is outside Grace light's compassion. Receiving the Grace Light happens instantaneously, yet is also a layering process. The Grace Light enters you more deeply and completely with each empowerment, with the strongest transmissions taking place in the presence of a Master. Dr. Baskaran Pillai travels worldwide to facilitate 'Light Body' transmissions. If you are unable to attend a public event, you can organize a gathering in your local area and follow guided empowerment instructions on DVD to experience the Grace Light simultaneously with people all over the world.

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  13. Why has Dr. Pillai chosen to hold Grace Light events in multi-faith venues?

    Dr. Baskaran Pillai has chosen to hold events in various churches and multi-faith venues to symbolically acknowledge that Grace Light is not the light of any one religion, but the universal light that runs through us all.

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  14. Does the Grace Light empowerment require any particular religion or belief?

    The Grace Light does not adhere to any religion, nor to any particular belief or spiritual path. The Grace Light will be received by all people all over the world -- people of all races, all religions, all spiritual beliefs, and all nationalities. It is not necessary to change one's religion, nor to adopt a new spiritual path or teacher to receive the Grace Light.

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  15. How does Grace Light integrate with various religious teachings?

    Grace Light is the light of God. It is invisible to the human eyes but visible to sages, prophets, messiahs, angels and other high beings. It is the burning bush for Moses, the light of Jesus that blinded Paul on his way to Damascus, the power of Allah, Buddha and the enlightened ones of all faiths. Grace Light is an expression of the Divine, not of one religion but of all religions.  Beyond our various the universal Light.

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  16. How can I experience the Grace Light empowerment for myself?

    There are several ways to receive the Grace Light empowerment. Firstly, Dr. Baskaran Pillai will be visiting  cities worldwide, in order to provide direct transmissions to as many people as possible during this profound period of human evolution. You can view the schedule of Grace Light events, including evening Induction events and full-day Intensives, on the calendar under Gatherings and also at Second, if you are unable to attend an event in person, then you can access and download guided empowerment instructions. Finally, the entire 9-Gate process and Grace Light empowerment are available on 2-DVD set (which includes a free personal practice CD). You can use this with friends, family or to hold Grace Light empowerment gatherings in your area.

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  17. What can I expect at the Grace Light Induction Evening?

    The Induction Evenings are large public blessings where the Grace Light will open the first four sacred energetic centers (Gates 1-4) in the body which provide greater access to divine intelligence. In this introductory session, Dr. Baskaran Pillai will facilitate the transmission of sacred energy to diffuse old karmas and begin awakening your third-eye and heart center, bringing more loving relationships and divine intelligence into your life.

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  18. What can I expect from the full-day Intensive?

    The Intensive sessions are full-day workshops that involve opening powerful energy centers in the body (Gates 1-9) enabling you to become a "giver" of the light. You will receive a series of initiations (9-Gates process) allowing you to manifest your dreams into reality and experience a joyful new perspective on life. Once you receive this initiation, you can offer Grace Light to others. You can attend the Intensive without having attended an evening Induction event. All are welcome and there are no pre-requisites.

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  19. What is the 9-Gates Process?

    The 9-Gate Process is based on esoteric knowledge from antiquity. For centuries this wisdom was kept secret by yogic masters and passed on to only their closest disciples. This teaching shows how to open subtle energetic channels located within the body to allow for expanded human consciousness and physical, emotional and spiritual healing. This empowerment will enable each person to hold greater light and to emanate peace and joy into the world. It has benefited thousands from differing cultures and backgrounds for centuries.

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  20. Are there any practical tips or guidelines for these sessions?

    Intensives are full-day workshops that involve intense energy transmission and meditative focus. The sessions will be led in as relaxing a manner as possible, but be sure to get plenty of rest before and after, and to drink plenty of fluids. Participants will engage with a partner in exercises that involve placing hands on the other person's head. This will involve standing for short periods (3-4 minutes) intermittently throughout the session. Casual, comfortable clothing that allows for easy mobility is recommended. No cameras or video or recording equipment will be allowed in the sessions, however, the entire 9-Gate process and Grace Light empowerment will be available on 2-DVD set (including a home practice CD) on the website and at the events.

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  21. Why is there a charge for the events?

    Even though all of our staff are volunteers, there are significant costs involved in staging events of this magnitude -- venue rentals, audio-visual equipment, local promotions, web development, printing, advertising, travel costs, etc. Dr. Pillai uses YouTube, the Internet and other free mediums to disseminate His teachings as widely as possible for free.  But it is necessary to cover expenses for large events in order to make these events available to audiences around the world.

    Even if there were no expenses to cover, there would likely be a small fee, as there is a custom in the eastern culture that we like to honor.  It is called "Gurudakshina", which means tribute given to the teacher in return for his teaching.  It is said that without giving something in return to the teacher, you cannot take his teachings -- your knowledge will simply not be complete.  The teacher receiving a contribution from the student is a form of grace towards the pupil so that the student's knowledge can be complete.  Honoring the teacher is an important element of learning.

    For people with financial hardship, we often have volunteers or attendees who donate to an "Angel Fund" to help provide scholarships to those who need it.  This is handled on a case by case basis for each event.


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  22. How can I prepare?

    No preparation is required, as the Grace Light is beyond human effort and will do all the work! However, if you feel compelled to consciously prepare for the light, Dr. Pillai offers several suggestions. First, recognize the profoundness of this opportunity. Your life will never be the same afterwards. Try to abide by a healthy and nutritious diet full of fresh vegetables and other high-energy, natural foods. Also drink plenty of fluids and keep the body hydrated. Engage in daily mediation or prayer to strengthen your connection with the divine energies. Grace Light empowerment offers an opportunity to surrender your ego and become a conduit for the Divine. As you commit to adopting a lifestyle of increased purity and consciousness, the Grace Light will work through you in great service to humanity. Finally, if you are unable to attend a public event, you can organize a gathering in your local area and follow guided Grace Light empowerment instructions simultaneously with people all over the world.





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  23. How can I hold a Grace Light Gathering?

    If you feel compelled, you can access and download guided empowerment instructions or order the entire Grace Light empowerment process (including 9-Gate process) on 2-DVD set from the Grace Light website. You can use this with friends, family or to hold Grace Light empowerment gatherings in your area. Please contact 'Top Home Page' sending a message of your 'Grace Light Event' to place on our calendar.

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  24. Why is each Full Moon a powerful time for Grace Light re-empowerment?

    The moon is associated with consciousness, particularly with the right brain. Each phase of the moon carries its own special energy. The full moon represents enlightenment, which is the full flowering of consciousness. Especially during Sarvadari, this year of enlightenment, the full moon day will carry particularly luminous energies.

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  25. What if I am unable to attend an event or hold a Grace Light gathering on the 17th?

    The Grace Light will come and you do not need to worry! If you cannot make it to any of the events, simply "tune in" on those days. Tune in at the deepest level possible. Pray, love unconditionally, let go of any fears, and feel the blessings wash over you from afar. Trust that you will be guided perfectly and that there is no need to worry. Rest assured you will be part of a global movement of Grace Light shifting our individual consciousness, collective consciousness and consciousness of the planet.

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  26. If the Grace Light is coming anyway, why is it important to receive an empowerment?

    The receiving and transmitting of the light is done through the medium of the human body which is a great conduit. Therefore, we are all potential vehicles for the Divine to spread Grace Light around the world. It will require a large number of pure vessels for the global phenomenon to unfold...and you will be a pioneer for spreading the light to others in many different ways such as speaking, writing, action and simply being. It is an incredible opportunity for you contribute to igniting the heart of humanity and affecting a shift of consciousness on a global scale.

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  27. Who can offer the Grace Light empowerment to others?

    The Grace Light empowerment can be transferred by anyone who has received a full Grace Light empowerment themselves and abides by the guidelines of the empowerment process. The process can be learned by attending a Grace Light event in person, or by following guided Grace Light empowerment instructions on the DVD. As a giver, you should strive for purity of heart, surrender your personal agendas, and seek to be a conduit of the light in service to humanity. Remember, you are not doing anything. The Grace Light's infinite compassion and intelligence is doing all the work.

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  28. Can I charge for giving Grace Light empowerment?

    No, Grace Light empowerments can only be offered free of charge. Somewhat like the "pay it forward" model, the impact of Grace Light is enhanced when you offer it in sacred service to your fellow man. Each time you give a Grace Light empowerment, you will be benefited deeply by being an active conduit of the light. You may add Grace Light empowerment into existing paid workshops or counseling sessions only if you expressly acknowledge that the Grace Light process is a non-commercial process offered as a free service for the well-being of humanity.

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  29. How is Grace Light different from giving Reiki, deeksha or other energy techniques?

    Grace light is the internal light/intelligence of the soul. It has always been present, but has been muted and dampened by the darkness of the current age, or Kali Yuga. The dawning of Grace Light means the awakening, brightening, igniting of the light of consciousness in a way we have not known for hundreds of thousands of years. While Reiki, deeksha and other energy healing techniques have been positive means of awakening the energy body in our current age, Grace Light is a phenomenon that encompasses all these and more. Grace Light will be felt in the "collective conscious" and there will be myriad expressions of it in the various languages of many traditions.

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  30. How is this phenomenon related to predictions about 2012?

    Everything in the universe is cyclical. The vedic calendar represents that time periods or epochs rotate in what are called "Yugas." We are coming to the end of one Yuga (the Kali Yuga or "age of darkness"), and beginning of another (the Satya Yuga or "age of truth"). The Mayans believed the world would end in 2012, but that should be considered metaphorically. It is the end of a certain era of human evolution, and the beginning of another. All the values and the assumptions of the previous world age will expire and a new phase of human growth will begin. The Greeks and Egyptians also believed in the shifting of the ages is an astronomical phenomenon. There are many traditions recognizing 2012 as a major transition point between the last cycle and a new one.

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  31. Why I haven't heard about Grace Light before?

    The Grace Light teachings were revealed to Dr. Baskaran Pillai and his lineage through both astronomical and divine means, and he has been guided to reveal this information to the world. However, he is not alone in revealing these teachings. Guru purnima, the "full moon of the Guru", has been recognized for centuries as a radiant time when all divine teachers offer powerful blessings and deliver increased energy and light to humanity. In addition, many traditions around the globe (including the Vedic traditions, Mayan teachings, indigenous cultures, self-realization schools, energy healing traditions, 2012 teachings, etc.) are recognizing the accelerating pace of human evolution and the intervention by divine forces to help humanity move into a new level of enlightened existence. Perhaps you have heard about the Grace Light phenomenon, but by different names.

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  32. Aren't you asking people to believe all of this on faith?

    Dr. Pillai has a non-religious definition of faith. Faith is utter positivity. Currently, we operate on doubt and cynicism. We doubt we can find a fulfilling relationship, we doubt our finances will improve, we doubt our health will recover. What good is there to continue this negative mode based on doubt? Has it gotten us anywhere? Faith means holding a positive possibility and wishing good for oneself, others and for the entire world. No matter the outcome, it is better to be positive than negative. In all of life, those who stay open and receptive to positive happenings will live in hope instead of despair.

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  33. Who is Dr. Baskaran Pillai?

    Dr. Baskaran Pillai is an enlightened master who has incarnated to prepare humanity to receive Grace Light and experience heaven on earth. He hails from the Tamil Siddha lineage of Southern India where he is recognized for his previous births as the great saints Agastiya and Ramalingam, each of whom mastered the principles of light and transcendence. Given the current world circumstances, Dr. Pillai has taken the radical step of revealing these ancient teachings to humanity in order to steward this profound global evolution.

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  34. What are the primary tenets of the Tamil Siddha lineage?

    The Tamil Siddha lineage carries deep wisdom regarding the principles of light and transcendence. Their primary focus is on human evolution. Currently, our body-mind lives in ignorance. The body picks up diseases because it doesn't know a state of perfect health. Similarly, the mind is unable to live our full mental potential. The Tamil Siddha lineage holds age-old wisdom for perfecting the body-mind through their sacred sciences. They teach that ultimate enlightenment is not simply liberation of the mind, but also liberation of the body. As we expand our capacity to hold greater light by awakening various energy centers in the body, we can ultimately transform the dense matter of the physical form into the spiritual body of light. Well-known Siddhas such as Babaji and Swami Ramalingam are documented as having achieved this liberation, the immortal "light body", similar to the resurrection of Jesus, the assumption of Mother Mary, or the ascension process in other faiths.

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  35. Where can I find out more?

    For more information on Grace Light, and an upcoming schedule of Grace Light events, go to Gatherings. For more information on Dr. Pillai's teachings, visit: and or

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